A few images from a very enjoyable family visit to Iceland at the end of October 2019

An intriguing country to visit, good food, friendly people and a very professional tourist industry and apart from one evenings rain we had good weather.

We knew we had arrived in Iceland (Keflavik Airport) when this Puffin appeared through the roof of the Terminal building!!
The Gullfoss waterfalls – their size indicated by the spectators on the left!
Strokkur – the geyser in the Geysir geothermal area, which obligingly vents approximately every seven minutes.
The Blue Lagoon – the mineral rich water which stays at a steady 38 deg C all year round, a very soothing experience.
Hallgrimskirkja – the, literally outstanding, Lutheran church in the centre of Reykjavik.
A view of Reykjavik from the top of Hallgrimskirkja.
Hallgrimskirkja from the ‘rainbow road’.

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