And then there were none …..

….. with the last remaining Cygnet ‘disappearing’ over the weekend …
the Cob (male) was left occupying one pond and
… the Pen (female) on another and with no family to look after she eventually …
… flew off towards the sea followed a few days later by the Cob!

With predators in the area having to feed their young it is sadly the reality of nature!

Cygnet update …

… it is now obvious that the resident pair of swans on Corby Loch do not have a brood this year and spend their time eating and preening themselves.
However two weeks ago 0n a nearby pond
… the Cob (male) and …
… the Pen (female) were successful in producing a brood of …
… five Cygnets BUT …
… sadly on Tuesday this week four of the five were missing, one body was recovered from the pond and only one cygnet was left! Which predator took them is unknown but at only a few weeks old they would have been vulnerable to Foxes, Badgers, Herons or even the larger birds of prey!