October catch up.

With One.com phasing out their simple blog programme the original Salmotrutta news blog has now been moved to WordPress. Presentation will hopefully improve with better knowledge of the new system. A new home page relative to Corby Loch will be added later, meanwhile the information on Corby Loch and the original blog can be found below.

These are therefore new images which would have been posted on the old blog.

The trees at the top of the road in full Autumn colour at the beginning of October, now they are completely bare.
Pinkfoot geese arriving back on the ‘stubble’ fields for their overnight roost.
( early October.)
A Cob (male) Mute swan conducting not quite synchronised grooming.
At the beginning of October there were over thirty Mute swans feeding on the Loch.
A few Whooper Swans arrived by the end of October resting on their journey south.
One of this years six remaining Cygnets in good health, unfortunately the seventh disappeared.
Enjoying the peace of an evenings fishing.

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